Emerald Creeper Norway Spruce Picea abies Wells Emerald Prostrate

Emerald Creeper Norway Spruce –Picea abies ‘Wells Emerald Prostrate’ makes an excellent addition to the coniferous garden! Eventually getting about a height of 2′ & width of 6′ it will make a beautiful & interesting ground cover that will do well in part-shade and also add interest around a dry creek bed or possibly even a evergreen border instead of grass…We have lots at Oregon Pride Nurseries ask me where to find them in Colorado & Utah.IMG_7453 (2)

Published by Michelle Krumdieck

I am a mother of two wonderful amazing adults. I like to work hard & and play hard near far. I love to garden, run, ski, hike, SUP, bike and live a healthy and organic lifestyle in Fort Fun, CO.

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